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Romashov Alexey Maksimovich

Born on October 14, 1912 in the village of Ognevo, located on the territory of the modern Chelyabinsk region, in a large family. In the 1930s, together with his parents, he was exiled to the village of Zaryam, Surgut region. He married Maria Efimovna Moshkina, in 1941 their son Gennady was born. In May 1942, Aleksey Maksimovich, in the position of fishing foreman at the Sytominsk fish station of the Surgut fish factory, was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army. Sent to Omsk, to the 104th reserve rifle regiment. June 20, 1942 Romashov was sent to the Leningrad front. Combat path: in early August, Alexey Maksimovich got to the front line near Ust-Izhora. On February 20, 1943, during the local battles near the city of Kolpino, he was wounded under the shoulder blade. He was treated in the Leningrad hospital No. 911. On March 10, 1943, after being discharged, he was sent to the 708th Infantry Regiment as a gunner. On July 22-24, 1943, the regiment took part in an offensive through the Sinyavinskie swamps to the Mga station, in the Shlisselburg area. In one of the offensive battles, Alexei Maksimovich with direct fire in an open position suppressed one enemy bunker, scattered almost a platoon of enemy machine gunners who were trying to counterattack. In late November - early December 1943, Alexei Maksimovich took part in the battles for the city of Oranienbaum and liberated Estonia. On January 24, 1944, in a battle near the village of Hulguzi, while repelling an enemy counterattack under heavy machine-gun fire, senior sergeant Romashov at point-blank shot a staff armored car with a radio installation. When repelling the second counterattack of the fascists with fire from his gun, he destroyed 12 fascist submachine gunners. On February 10, 1944, while crossing Narva, Aleksey Maksimovich was seriously wounded in the leg, was taken to a field hospital in Kingisepp, and two or three days later sent to Leningrad. Then, by ambulance train on March 20, he arrived at the rear hospital in Magnitogorsk. In October he was transported to the city of Troitsk, in November 1944 he was taken to the Sverdlovsk hospital No. 5966. On June 26, 1945, Alexey Maksimovich was discharged with the second group of disability. Awards: Order of the Red Star, Order of the Patriotic War, 1st and 2nd degrees; medals “For Courage”, “For the Defense of Leningrad”, “For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War”, Commendation of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. I traveled to Sytomino accompanied by a nurse and arrived home at the end of July. He lived and worked for a long time in his native village. Before leaving for a well-deserved rest, he worked as the secretary of the Sytominsky village council. He passed away on September 30, 1995. He was buried in Surgut at the Chernorechensky cemetery.
2021-11-18 16:50