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Koltsov Sergey Valerianovich

Born in 1921. Studied at the Surgut secondary school. In 1938 S.V. Koltsov joined the Komsomol. In 1939 S.V. Koltsov, after graduating from school, entered the Tomsk State University at the Faculty of Chemistry. In July 1941, after completing 2 years of university, he was mobilized into the ranks of the Red Army. He completed his initial military training at an infantry school. Combat path: with the rank of junior lieutenant S.V. Koltsov was sent to the front. He was the commander of the 3rd Separate Rifle Battalion of the 8th Guards Rifle Corps. Killed during the capture of Volokolamsk on August 4, 1942. Buried near the village of Kunilovo, Moscow Region.
2021-11-15 19:28