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Kushnikov Mikhail Ivanovich

Born November 17, 1922 in Surgut. His father died when Mikhail was 10 years old, except for Mikhail there were three more children in the family. At the age of 11, Mikhail Kushnikov began his career. After training in December 1938, he was awarded the qualification of a second class projectionist. He worked as a projectionist, in his free time from movie shows moonlighted as a loader. At the age of 18 he was drafted into the army and sent to the first separate naval battalion, to the machine-gun company as the first number of the crew of the Maxim heavy machine gun. The battalion was part of the 71st separate naval brigade. Combat path: as part of the 71st separate naval brigade participated in the battles on the Western Front in the area of ​​Klin. In December 1942 M.I. Kushnikov was sent to the 256th separate rifle brigade as the commander of a machine-gun company. In July 1943 he was appointed assistant chief of staff of the 809th Rifle Regiment. In August 1943, with heavy battles, he went to the Kerch Strait, where he participated in the liberation of Temryuk. In August 1944 he was sent to the First Belorussian Front in the 152 Dnepropetrovsk Order of the Red Banner Infantry Division. The regiment in which M.I. Kushnikov distinguished himself in the capture of the city of Instenburg, then participated in the storming of Berlin and the liberation of Prague. He ended the war on May 11, 1945 in Czechoslovakia. Wounds: on December 16, 1941, he was wounded in the stomach, on November 6, 1942, received a bullet wound in the leg, in December 1943, both legs were wounded. Awards: Orders of the Patriotic War, I and II degrees, two orders of the Red Star; medals "For Courage", "For Military Merit". After demobilization in 1956 M.I. Kushnikov returned to Surgut. Where he began to work in the timber industry. In 1959 he was elected a deputy of the Surgut village council, and in November 1959 he headed the executive committee of the council. In 1961 M.I. Kushnikov was appointed director of the regional industrial complex. In 1965 M.I. Kushnikov, guided by the recommendation of doctors to change the climate necessary to maintain health, together with his family left Surgut for Kyrgyzstan. In the early 1990s he moved to Belgorod. In 1996 M.I. Kushnikov returned to Surgut again.
2021-11-15 23:34