ENG Новости
2024-02-06 11:55

Igor Ilyk, the organizer of the media expedition "Victory in Our Hearts,” signed agreements with Serbian and Belarusian partners during the International Patriotic Forum "Katyusha.”

On September 17, within the framework of the International Patriotic Forum "Katyusha,” the branch of the "Defenders of the Fatherland" Foundation in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra signed an agreement with the Association of the Heric 549th Motorized Brigade "Tsar Dusan Silni,” Republic of Serbia and with the Alexei Talai Charitable Foundation, Republic of Belarus.

The foreign partners were given a tour of the Foundation and spoke about the ninth media expedition "Victory in Our Hearts."

Vladan Rankovic from the Republic of Serbia presented the Foundation with a letter of gratitude for assistance to veterans of combat operations.