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Pankov Konstantin Alekseevich

Born in 1910 in the village of Shchekurya (now Berezovsky district) in a family of reindeer herders. Parents died early, so Constantine grew up and was brought up in the family of his older brother Procopius. He graduated from the parish school in Shchekurye, was engaged in hunting and fishing in the foothills of the Urals. In the early 1930s. was sent to study in Moscow for a two-year training course for Soviet and party workers for the national regions of the North. In 1934 he continued his studies in Leningrad at the Institute of the Peoples of the North at the Soviet-party branch. In the same place he studied in a painting workshop under the guidance of A. Uspensky, where representatives of more than twenty nationalities studied. In 1938 (the only one after graduating from general education) K. Pankov was left at the postgraduate study of the Scientific Research Association of ANN. This period is associated with the rapid development of his talent, the formation of the artist's creative personality. For only seven years, Pankov worked as a professional artist. Paintings by Konstantin Pankov were exhibited in 1929 in Leningrad at the Russian Museum at the exhibition "Art of the peoples of the North", in 1935 in Moscow at the First All-Russian Exhibition of Amateur Collective Farm Artists, in 1936 at the Leningrad Exhibition of Folk Art. At the world art and industrial exhibition in Paris in 1927, he received the Grand Prix gold medal, which not everyone succeeds in. To date, only 20 paintings by K. A. Pankov are known. Only a few works have survived to this day. They are kept today in the Leningrad Museum of the Arctic, some works - in the Tyumen Museum of Fine Arts, the rest - in private collections around the world. Only those works that the author donated to friends, acquaintances, transferred to museums have survived. Many canvases burned down during a fire at the Institute of the Peoples of the North. In June 1941, Konstantin Alekseevich was drafted to the front of the Smolensk RVK in Leningrad. He participated in battles as part of the searchlight battalion of the 134th anti-aircraft artillery regiment of the 4th company, in the position of a sound detector - a listener. Private Konstantin Alekseevich Pankov went missing in September 1941. One of the central streets of the village of Shchekurya is named in honor of the original artist. On the wall of the house where K.A. Pankov installed a memorial plaque.
2021-11-18 16:18