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Kostylev Georgy Nikonorovich

Born in 1907, in the village. Old Sotrino (now Sverdlovsk region). Education: 4 classes, profession: accountant. On May 25, 1942, the Khanty-Mansiysk OVK was drafted into the Red Army. Military rank: sergeant. Position: commander of the 37 mm gun. guns. Combat path: from November 1942 to March 1943 fought in the 743rd anti-aircraft artillery regiment, from March 1943 to May 1945. - as part of 670 ZAP. He fought from the Northern Donets to Austria. He fought for Kharkov, Dnieper, Bug, Budapest. He liberated Romania, Northern Transylvania, Hungary, Austria, Czechoslovakia. Military feat: in the battles for the city of Budapest G.N. Kostylev from his gun shot down three aircraft, participating in street battles for the city, destroyed three firing points, scattered a platoon of machine gunners. Awards: Order of the Red Star; medals “For Courage”, “For the Capture of Budapest”, “For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945”, jubilee awards. After the war, he worked as the head of the Leushinsky LZU of the Kondinsky timber industry enterprise, for his labor deeds he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
2021-11-15 23:15