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In the 93rd year of life, the veteran of the Great Patriotic War, the pioneer of Samotlor Nikolai Ivanovich Tursukov died

In the 93rd year of life, the veteran of the Great Patriotic War, the pioneer of Samotlor, Nikolai Ivanovich Tursukov, died.
Nikolai Tursukov was born in the village of Belikul, Chelyabinsk Region. When the guy was 17 years old, he received a summons to the military registration and enlistment office. At the recruiting office they said right away: the duty station would be the border in the Far East. So Nikolai Tursukov ended up in the district cavalry training regiment, and followed by the third line outpost of the 74th border detachment on the Amur River - to defend the borders during the war with Japan. Nikolai Ivanovich took part in the decisive victorious offensive against the Japanese. After the Victory, he continued to serve in the Far East, then graduated from the border school. He was demobilized in 1971 and came with his wife to Nizhnevartovsk.
He was awarded medals “For Victory over Germany”, “For Victory over Japan”, Zhukov's medal.