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Egorov Timofey Arsentievich

Born on February 4, 1926 in the village of Lyamina, on the territory of the modern Surgut region. From the age of two he lived in the Kuninskys' yurts, then he moved to the village of Satarino. Graduated from elementary school. He worked at the Maisky timber industry enterprise as a storekeeper of the forest and in logging. In 1943 Timofey Arsentievich was drafted into the Red Army by the Surgut regional military enlistment office. Combat path: participated in battles near the city of Belaya Tserkov, in the Ukraine, was wounded in the leg and then was treated for a long time. Was discharged for disability. After the war, Timofey Arsentievich worked on a collective farm as a coachman, a carpenter at a construction site of a fleet repair and maintenance base, and as a groom at a sanatorium-forest school. In 1986 he received an apartment as a veteran of the Great Patriotic War in the village of Bely Yar, Surgut region, and moved there for permanent residence. Passed away October 17, 2000.