ENG Новости
2021-10-05 13:10

Teachers are heroes of the Great Patriotic War

They fought not only for their homeland. Teachers, head teachers, school directors and educators who went through the Great Patriotic War became the property of the whole country and a heroic example for every school, for all generations of teachers and students.
Despite the difficulties of the war, 12 new schools and three orphanages for children of besieged Leningrad were opened in Ugra. In addition, a school for the training of military and medical personnel was launched. The KhMNO trained snipers, submachine gunners, skiers, machine gunners, mortars, tank destroyers, sappers, signalmen, sanitary instructors, and nurses.
More than 400 graduates from school No. 1 in the city of Khanty-Mansiysk went to the front. Three teachers and 67 students of the school died during the Great Patriotic War.
The monument to teachers and students of the school who died during the Great Patriotic War depicts a standing soldier with a submachine gun in his hands and bowed his head, grieving for the dead. The opening of the monument took place on October 29, 1971 in the presence of teachers, students and relatives of the victims.
The monument was built with donations from the residents of Khanty-Mansiysk.