ENG Лица победы

Bukin Ivan Dmitrievich

Born in 1915 in the south of the Tyumen region. In 1930, together with his parents, he was exiled to the village of Yamskaya, (now the Surgutsky district.). In 1939 he married a special settler Alexandra Ivanovna Dedikova, in 1940 their son Anatoly was born. In 1942 he was drafted to the front. Combat path: participated in the Battle of Stalingrad, fought on the Kursk Bulge. In January 1944 he took part in breaking the blockade of Leningrad. Received five wounds. Was discharged. He returned home in 1945. Lived and worked in the village. Sytomino. Passed away April 16, 1989.
2021-11-12 17:15