ENG Новости
2021-10-01 13:11

The tribunal of peoples or the Nuremberg trials: residents of Russia and other countries of the world learned the truth about the military tribunal

On October 1, 2021, Victory Volunteers held an international online lesson dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the completion of the largest trial in the history of mankind over the war criminals of the Third Reich.
Who was tried in Nuremberg and for what? Why is this process also called the Court of Nations? Who was the main state prosecutor from the USSR at the Nuremberg trials? The answers to these and many other questions became known at the online lesson of the Victory Volunteers. Inclusions were carried out from four places at once: the Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Gora, memorials in Crimea, the hero-city of Stalingrad and the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Poland. The places of recording were not chosen by chance, since it is in them that there is a large evidence base of the atrocities of the Nazis.
Also a unique event during the lesson was the appeal of Irina Georgievna Bulina, a resident of besieged Leningrad. Irina Georgievna recently turned 88 years old. And when the blockade ring was closed around the city on the Neva, she was 8. She met her birthday under the bombardment. She remembers from the first to the last day that terrible, first blockade winter. He remembers hunger, devastating a person, the death of relatives and friends. Like mom and dad lay at night on the floor of someone else's communal apartment and warmed her so that the girl would not freeze.
“It has been 75 years since the end of the Nuremberg Trials. But to this day, criminal cases are started on the crimes committed by the Nazis. We must remember our history, not forget the deeds accomplished in the name of peace. And it is very valuable that the lesson was attended by more than 90,000 people, and volunteers and historians not only in different parts of Russia, but also abroad joined in its creation, ”said Olga Amelchenkova, leader of the Victory Volunteers.
In addition, the participants were able to get acquainted with documents and facts that they had recently declassified. They contain information about the crimes committed by the Nazis on the territory of the occupied Stalingrad region, as well as the fact that evidence of Nazi atrocities in concentration camps such as Dulag-205 became the basis of the evidence base from the Soviet side at the Nuremberg Trials. Without leaving their homes, the audience visited the historical places of battles and got acquainted with the events of the Nuremberg trials.
In the lesson, the Victory Volunteers collected the most relevant and significant information about the Nuremberg Trials. Young and professional historians helped in collecting archival materials, including Alexander G. Zvyagintsev, a historian, director and screenwriter, author of books and films about the Nuremberg Trials.
The broadcast took place and is available for viewing in the VKontakte Movement group https://vk.com/vsezapobedu.
At the end of the International Online Lesson, the participants consolidated their knowledge and tested their speed and attention by going through a special quiz.