ENG Лица победы

Isypov Efim Trofimovich

Born in 1908 in the village of Satyga (now the Kondinsky district of the Tyumen region). Nationality: Mansi. The combat path began in August 1941 on the Kalinin Front. After taking part in the liberation of Staraya Russa, he fought in the Don area, took part in the battles for Stalingrad. In November 1942 he was seriously wounded and contused. He fought in the 36th Motorized Topographic Order of the Red Star squad. Participated in the liberation of Orel and Belgorod, crossed the Vistula, liberated Warsaw, took Berlin. E.T. Isypov signed for the Reichstag. Awards: medals "For the Defense of Stalingrad", "For Courage", "For Military Merit", "For the Liberation of Warsaw", "For the Capture of Berlin", "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." After the war he worked as an accountant-auditor in the district fish collective farm union. He graduated from the district party school, was the secretary of the party organization.
2021-11-15 18:48