ENG Новости
2024-02-06 11:47

Media expedition arrived in Yekaterinburg, city of labor prowess

On September 21, the participants of the media expedition arrived in Yekaterinburg.

Boris Kirillov, Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Urals Federal District, representatives of the regional and city administration, and representatives of the youth parliament took part in the solemn rally. The participants of the rally laid flowers at the eternal flame and honored the memory of the fallen with a minute of silence.

Then the participants of the expedition were given a tour of the "Regional Center for Patriotic Education". The participants were able to get acquainted with Igor Rodobolsky, director of the center, Hero of the Russian Federation, veteran of the Afghan War, the First and Second Chechen War.

At the Regional Center for Patriotic Education, the participants presented the media expedition "Victory in Our Hearts" and negotiated further cooperation with the center.