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Svyadzinsky Victor Karlovich

Born in 1913 in the village. Zhukov (now Slavutsky district. Kamenets - Podolsk region) Education is not complete secondary. He worked at a distillery with. Anopol, Khmelnytsky region. In September 1934, the Slavut RVK was drafted into military service. In January 1944 he was mobilized to the front. Combat path: fought in the ranks of the 340th rifle division, machine gunner. In August 1944 V.K. Svyadzinsky was seriously wounded in the arm. Awards: Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree. In the post-war period he worked in the Kondinsky district with. Leushi in the fish farm and in the village of Polovinka as a master of housing and communal services. He died on February 19, 1999, and was buried in Polovinka, Kondinsky district.