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Arkhipov Sergey Nikolaevich

Born on October 5, 1921, village N. Slyusenka (now Altai Territory). Before the start of the Great Patriotic War, he worked as the head of the department of the Ministry of Communications. In 1943, the Allah-Yun district military registration and enlistment office of Yakutia was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army. Combat path: took part in the war with Japan: as part of the 892nd Infantry Regiment, he liberated Manchuria, Big Khingan, Harbin. Demobilized on May 15, 1946. Awards: Order of the Patriotic War II degree, medal "For Victory over Japan", anniversary medals. He came to Urai in 1970, worked in the Urai department of technological transport, in the editorial office of the Znamya newspaper, in a geophysical expedition. Awarded with the medal "For Labor Valor", awarded the title "Veteran of Labor". He died on July 20, 1992, was buried in Urai.
2021-11-12 16:42