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Mainulenko Viktor Fedorovich

Born on April 29, 1929 in the village. Divovka (now the Saratov region). Before the war he worked as a tractor driver on a collective farm. Drafted into the ranks of the Red Army in 1943. Combat path: he served in the Trans-Baikal Military District as part of the 271st artillery regiment. Demobilized on March 13, 1950. Awards: Order of the Patriotic War; medal "For Victory over Japan", anniversary medals. V.F. Mainulenko came to Urai in 1967. He worked as an electric welder in the construction department No. 6. Participated in the construction of a museum, schools No. 1 and No. 5, a sports complex, a communications center, residential buildings. Veteran of Labor, Veteran of Shaim.
2021-11-15 23:42