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Malyugin Ivan Platonovich

Born on May 5, 1925. He was brought to the village of Pokur, Surgut (now Nizhnevartovsk) district as a ten-year-old boy, where he graduated from three classes of elementary school. After studying, he helped his father in a fishing cooperative. At the age of 16 he started fishing on his own. In 1942, the Malyugins family moved to the village of Agan to their father's new place of work - the construction of a fish farm. In 1943, 18-year-old Ivan was fishing on Lake Yumlor 200 kilometers from the village, when he was handed a summons to the Red Army. On a boat, together with other recruits, Ivan Malyugin was taken to Khanty-Mansiysk, then on a steamer he was sent to Omsk. A few days later through Novosibirsk - to the front. Combat path: fought on the Belorussian and Baltic fronts. He liberated Kursk, Smolensk, Vitebsk, Mitau, Vilnius, Shauliai. Forced r. Berezin. Under Mitau he was wounded. In heavy battles for Shauliai in 1944 he was wounded in his right leg. He was treated in hospitals for several months, and then was again sent to the front in East Prussia. He stormed the fortress cities of Königsberg and Pillau. Ivan Malyugin met the victory in East Prussia, where he served for another three years. Awards: Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree; medals "For Courage", "For the capture of Koenigsberg", "For the defense of the Soviet Arctic", "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." In 1948 he was demobilized and returned to his native land. From Khanty-Mansiysk I walked 40 kilometers to the village of Shapsha, then I rode post horses to Romanovka, where I accidentally met my disabled brother. Together they reached their home. Ivan Platonovich Malyugin worked in the district consumer union as a foreman of loaders, and in 1950 the Surgut district committee of the Komsomol sent him to logging. After retirement, he worked as a watchman for another 17 years in the Department of Mechanization No. 3 of OJSC "Tyumengazmekhanizatsiya". Passed away on August 2, 2010.
2021-11-15 23:43