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Grigoriev Grigory Prokopyevich

Born on May 2, 1910 in the village of Bugrova (now the Tyumen Region). Education: 4 classes. He was drafted to the front from the Kondinsky district military registration and enlistment office in August 1941, trained in Omsk, was enrolled in the 29th airborne brigade. Combat path: in March 1942 he was sent to the front line as part of a rifle regiment. Being part of a platoon of scouts, he moved in the direction of Smolensk. Fierce battles were fought here in order to distract the enemy from a simultaneous attack on Stalingrad. At the end of 1943, the 14th Guards Heavy Cannon Brigade was sent. After the battles at Orel G.P. Grigoriev was enlisted in the 538 mortar regiment as a mortar commander. In 1943, in the battles near Kaluga, he received a concussion and a serious wound. Was being treated at a hospital in the Ivanovka region. In the battles of Orel, he received a second wound. The regiment, in which G.P. Grigoriev served, passed through Vitebsk and moved to East Prussia. In October 1944, the entire division, including mortar regiment No. 538, were transferred to Poland. In 30 km from Warsaw, the division was being formed, replenishment with personnel and military equipment. In January 1945, the unit in which G.P. Grigoriev served under the command of Marshal K.K. Rokossovsky, with battles advanced to Warsaw. Having liberated the city from the Germans, the unit moved to Germany. In May 1945, they reached the Elbe River, where they met with the allied American troops. In October 1945 G.P. Grigoriev was demobilized. In December 1945, he returned to Nakhrachi, where he began to work as a director of an industrial complex, then was transferred to the Oktyabrsky district as a director of a department store. In 1950 he became director of a department store, head of a transport office in Surgut. In 1968 he retired. For participation in battles, he was awarded the Order of the Red Star; medal "For Victory over Germany", medal "For the liberation of Warsaw", jubilee medals: "20 years of Victory in the Second World War", "30 years of Victory in the Second World War", "50 years of the armed forces of the USSR".
2021-11-12 18:31