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Konev Mikhail Anfinogenovich

Was born in 1918 in the village. Samarovo, Tobolsk province (now Khanty-Mansiysk). Prior to being drafted into the Red Army in 1939, he studied at the Tobolsk Fishery College. Before the beginning of World War II, he graduated from the Zhytomyr Infantry School. Combat path: in battles on the approaches to Stalingrad M.A. Konev showed heroism and courage. He organized well the management of the battalion during the battle. With one throw, the battalion burst into the height north-west of the village. Ivanovka, attacking her forehead. By personal example of M.A. Konev encouraged the fighters of the battalion, which broke through the first line of defense, pursuing the fleeing enemy. Having occupied the height, the battalion thereby ensured the advance of new units. All repeated enemy attacks were repulsed. While repelling the next enemy counterattack on November 21, 1942, battalion commander M.A. Konev died heroically. As a result of a successful battle, the following were captured: prisoners - 70 people, 2 cannons, 3 mortars, 2 heavy machine guns, 4 light machine guns, a light command vehicle and other property. Destroyed up to 400 enemy soldiers and officers. For exceptional heroism, courage and courage, Senior Lieutenant M.A. Konev was posthumously awarded the Order of Lenin. November 21, 1942 Konev M.A. was buried with all military honors 12 km south-west of the village. Beketovka at a height of 128.2, which was taken by his battalion.
2021-11-15 23:04