ENG Лица победы

Kovkov Alexey Mikhailovich

Born in December 1925 in the village of Shuravin (now the Kurgan region). In January 1943 he was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army. Combat path: participated in the liberation of Kharkov and in the storming of Berlin. In April 1945 A.M. Kovkov was demobilized. Awards: Order of the Patriotic War I degree, Order of the Red Star, medal "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945", jubilee medals. In the post-war period A.M. Kovkov moved to Urai in 1981, where he worked on the basis of production services for Urayneftegaz, and then in the ZhKK of the oil and gas production department. He died on November 29, 1999, was buried in Urai.
2021-11-15 19:24