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Gordeev Prokopiy Petrovich

Born on July 25, 1921 in the village. Rent (now Chita region). Before the war he worked as a tractor driver at the Voskhod collective farm in the Chita region. Mobilized into the ranks of the Red Army on July 23, 1941. Combat path: participated in battles at the Kursk-Oryol Bulge, in Poland, Germany. In 1942 P.P. Gordeev was wounded in his right arm and right leg. In 1943, he was wounded in the head and burned to both legs and left arm. Awards: medals "For Courage", "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." He ended the war in 1945 in Berlin. Then he worked in the commandant's office in Dresden, was demobilized in 1946. He returned home in autumn 1947. In 1978 he moved to Urai. Prior to retirement, he worked in construction department No. 75, participated in the construction of a dispensary. For his conscientious work, Prokopiy Petrovich was repeatedly rewarded with certificates of honor, cash prizes and gratitude. He died in 1987 and was buried in Urai.
2021-11-12 18:22