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December 1 is the birthday of Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov

125 years ago, on December 1, 1896, Marshal of the Soviet Union was born four times Hero of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov
Georgy Zhukov did not think about a military career. In his youth, he worked as a furrier and at the same time received an education. But the First World War happened. Zhukov was drafted into the army. For courage in battles, he was first awarded the St.George Cross of the 4th degree, and later - the 3rd.

After the revolution in 1918, Georgy Konstantinovich enlisted in the ranks of the Red Army. During the years of civil confrontation, he took an active part in the battles for Tsaritsyn and the South Urals. After the Ryazan cavalry courses, he began to rapidly climb the career ladder. In 1938 he was officially promoted to division commander.
Zhukov was also blamed for the failures of the first period of the Great Patriotic War. He was removed from the post of Chief of the General Staff and sent to the Leningrad Front. There he prevented the seizure of Leningrad and thwarted Hitler's plans for a swift seizure of Moscow. Since 1942, Zhukov has coordinated the actions of almost all fronts. It was he who played an important role in the defeat of the army of Field Marshal Paulus in Stalingrad, in the outcome of the Battle of Kursk and in breaking the blockade of Leningrad.
In 1943, Georgy Zhukov was awarded the title of Marshal of the Soviet Union. It was he who, on May 8, 1945, in Berlin, accepted the unconditional surrender of the troops of Nazi Germany. And already on June 24 he hosted the Victory Parade on Red Square.

The memory of the marshal is immortalized not only in the names of the streets of Russian cities, a minor planet is named after him.