ENG Новости
2021-12-06 12:45

Address by the Speaker of the Federation Council in connection with the Day of Military Glory of Russia

Dear friends! December 5 - Day of the beginning of the counteroffensive of Soviet troops against the German fascist troops in the battle near Moscow, one of the most important events in Russian history. On this day, for the first time in the fields of the Moscow region, the Hitlerite army suffered a serious defeat. After a long defensive period of the capital, which lasted from September 30 to December 4 , 1941 , the Red Army launched a counteroffensive. The great battle of World War II influenced the further course of events. The heroism and courage of the warriors, the courage and resilience of the Soviet people helped to dispel the myth of the invincibility of the Wehrmacht's combat vehicle, to thwart the plan of a quick war, to demonstrate the strength that could save mankind from the threat of enslavement and physical extermination. The defeat of the fascist troops near Moscow gave confidence that the enemy would be defeated and Victory would be ours. We know and remember what role our multinational people played in the fight against the brutal invader, we will always honor the feat of soldiers and officers, platoons, companies, battalions and divisions that stopped the enemy near Rzhev and Mozhaisk, Naro-Fominsk, Volokolamsk, Dmitrov, dozens of towns and villages of the Moscow region. It is important to preserve the truth about the events of 1941-1945 for future generations . The memory of the enormous contribution of our people to the Great Victory is of particular importance in modern conditions, when the unity of citizens in the name of preserving peace and life on Earth becomes a necessity. I wish you all good and prosperity. IN AND. MATVIENKO