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Zavyalov Pyotr Alexandrovich

Was born on February 1, 1919 in the village of Yugan, on the territory of the modern Surgut region. Graduated from 4th grade. In 1939 he was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army. On the very first day of the war he was sent to the front. Combat path: from June 22, 1941, fought on the Leningrad Front, from September 1, 1941 - May 17, 1944, was part of the 14th Cavalry Division of the 1st Belorussian Front, from May 17, 1944 to 1945, as part of The 175th Infantry Division reached Germany. January 12, 1944 Red Army soldier Zavyalov during the attack on the village. The pond from his machine gun knocked out an enemy vehicle and destroyed two German soldiers who were trying to evacuate this vehicle. On July 17, 1944, in a battle for one of the villages of the Matsievsky district of the Volyn region, Pyotr Aleksandrovich was the first to burst into the enemy's trench, killed three Germans, and captured two wounded, who had valuable documents. A few days later, from 24 to 25 July, he was the first to cross the Western Bug River as part of a group. In the battle for the Polish village of Zagemül, located four kilometers northeast of the Polish city of Duich-Krone, on February 1, 1945, the Red Army guard Zavyalov, showing courage and courage, destroyed 11 Nazis and one light machine gun with automatic fire. As part of the group, he took ten enemy soldiers prisoner. Awards: Order of Glory III, Order of the Red Star; medals "For Courage", "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." After the end of the Great Patriotic War, Pyotr Alexandrovich remained on the territory of Germany. Only in 1946 he returned to Surgut. At first he worked as a loader in the Surgut fish cooperative for three years, then in 1949 he left to restore the collective farm of yurts of Nevoilokino and Chaltymovo as chairman of the collective farm. After that he was the chairman of collective farms in the villages of Shirokovo and Yugan, a fishing engineer in Ugut and a foreman at the Yuganskiy state farm on the Black Cape. In the late 1960s. an article was published in one of the central magazines about his military exploits and active peaceful life. After her, Pyotr Alexandrovich received many letters and even parcels from the inhabitants of the country. In the evenings, his relatives went to read these letters with him, and the answers to them were written by members of the party committee of the Yugansky state farm. He passed away on June 26, 1975. He was buried in the city of Surgut at the Chernomysovsky cemetery.
2021-11-13 09:31