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Znamenshchikov Mikhail Vasilievich

Born on November 21, 1912 in the village of Maloe Sorokino (now the Tyumen region). In July 1941 he was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army. Initial military training July 1941 - March 1942: 88th rifle division, 161st separate anti-aircraft battalion (machine gunner). The rank of sergeant. Combat path March 1942 - July 1943: 140 Guards Rifle Regiment (commander of the machine-gun crew). May 1944 - March 1945: 266th Guards Rifle Regiment (Company Chief). May 1945 - October 1945: 266th Guards Rifle Regiment (company foreman). He liberated Bryansk, participated in the storming of Berlin. Wounds evacuation hospital №5472: wounded patient from July 1943 to May 1944. (minor wound to the head on the Northern Donets River). Field Hospital No. 3434: wounded patient from March 1945 to May 1945. (seriously wounded in the left ankle joint on the Vistula River). Awards: Order of Glory III degree (1951), medal "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945", gratitude from the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Marshal of the Soviet Union, Comrade IV Stalin. (dated July 22, 1944) Discharged in October 1945. After the war, he lived in the village. Vikulovo of the Tyumen region. He died in March 1990 and was buried in Urai.
2021-11-15 18:34