The hard-workers of Ugra made a significant contribution in order to provide the economic conditions needed for the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.
In total, during the war, the population of the Khanty-Mansiysk National Okrug donated about 58 million rubles, government bonds and jewelery to the Defense Fund. These funds were used for the production of military equipment.
Residents of the okrug collected funds for the construction of tank columns "Omsky Kolkhoznik" [Omsk Collective Farmer], "Omsky Traktorist" [Omsk Tractor Driver], "Narodny Uchitel" [Honoured Teacher], the squadrons "Omsky Komsomolets" [Omsk Komsomol Member] and the submarine "Rybak Severa" [Fisherman of the North].
In 1943, K. Turova-Turskaya, an artist of the Khanty-Mansiysk Drama Theatre, donated 1,200 rubles in cash and 805 rubles in state loan bonds for the construction of the aircraft. At the same time, the theatre staff collected 15,000 rubles for the construction of the tank "Artist Severa" [Artist of the North].
In January 1943, the staff of the Samarovo school of factory tutoring contributed 2,135 rubles in cash and 1,145 rubles in state loan bonds to the construction of the tank column "Trudovye Rezervy" [Labour Reserves].