Front oil
The factories of the regional oil industry from 1942 until the end of the war worked steadily and made a profit. In 1943, they brought in a profit of 102.3 thousand rubles, for which they received the 3rd All-Union Prize. In total, 8 creameries operated on the territory of the district during the war years, which produced 3960.1 centners of oil for the needs of the front and rear.

During the war years, the Nizhnevartovsk creamery was a semi-handicraft enterprise. All work at the plant was carried out by hand. The number of employees did not exceed 20. Products were stored in glaciers. The finished oil was placed in cardboard boxes and wooden boxes weighing 20-25 kg. The oil was sent by steamer to hospitals in Tyumen and Omsk. In 1942, the plan for the production of butter was 153 centners, in 1943 - 100 centners, execution - 102.65 centners. This was the fourth figure among 7 oil factories in the district. The plan for 1944 was 150 c.
"The building of the creamery was quite large. There was a cream processing workshop at the creamery. The cream was collected from eight villages on a large non-water boat, which included up to 35 flasks. Most often they went "rowing". There were hardly four rows in the boat. When the cream was transported from the villages, there were four people on each side. True, we had a motorboat at the factory, but there was little use from it - if water got on the magneto, the motor stalled in the middle of the river. The guys worked for me then, teenagers fifteen or sixteen, Zhukov and Petrachenko. It was difficult for him to manage - he had to load and row. And I myself was only 19 years old. All in all, there were twenty people working for me then, no more. The master-technologist at the plant was Kubanov, the accountant was Alexander Burutsky, the laboratory assistant Maria, and the cashier was Galina Kolbysheva, the rest were workers. At that time, there were no equipment or machines at the plant, everything was done by hand. The creamery had its own horses, and they helped out. Of course, there were no refrigerators either, as they are now. Usually ice was collected on the Ob in winter. They brought ice from the Ob, put these blocks of ice in herds, then covered the ice with sawdust and hay. Thus, it was preserved in the glacier and almost did not melt in summer. The produce was preserved with this ice until the arrival of the steamers. True, we had a glacier at the factory, but little was kept in it. Usually, the ice was chipped off the herd, brought into the workshop, and the cream was cooled before processing. We also had a butter churn. The finished oil was placed in cardboard boxes, in wooden boxes for 20-25 kg. The products were packed, a batch was prepared for the arrival of the steamer. The oil went to the front, to the hospitals in Omsk and Tyumen ...

I had no experience, I had to get to everything in the course of work. The Nizhnevartovsk creamery was the winner of the socialist competition, held the first place in the district "(from the memoirs of Vera Matveyevna Pervukhina, director of the Nizhnevartovsk creamery in 1942).