International Women's Day
The issue of "Stalin's Tribune" dated March 8, 1944 was dedicated to the labor deeds of Soviet women.

"The women of our district! Give all your strength and knowledge to the cause of the complete liberation of our Motherland from the German fascist invaders and the final defeat of the enemy, "the newspaper throws its slogan.

And the women of the district, young and old, give their last strength to the front without any calls.

For example, 55-year-old Anastasia Beshkiltseva from the Kirov collective farm (Surgut region) caught about 500 poods of fish in 1943, fulfilling her plan by more than 200 percent. Nineteen-year-old Komsomol member Pelageya Silina from the Voroshilov collective farm (Surgut region) in 1943 caught 558 poods of fish and successfully completed the 1944 plan.
According to the newspaper, women in the district show "examples of skillful Bolshevik leadership" in their Soviet leadership work.

For example, the chairman of the Satyginsky village council of the Kondinsky district, Bashmakova, came to the leadership during the war and in a year of work made her village council one of the leading in the implementation of the fishing plan. And the brigade of Efrosinya Slinkina (Krasnaya Zvezda collective farm, Kama village, Kondinsky district) fulfilled its plan in the first quarter of 1944 by 185 percent.

Women were also involved in the hunting of the animal. "Tatyana Kamina, a hunter of the Laryak office of Zagotzhivsrye, marks the 8th of March with production successes. The plan for the first quarter for the procurement of furs was fulfilled by 165 percent in two months ".

Darya Sengepova, a hunter of the Mikoyan office, is also skilful in the hunt. By March 8, the task of the current quarter for shooting a fur-bearing animal, she blocked more than one and a half times.